Family Law and How to Win in Your Divorce Case

Family LawIf you are getting divorced, it is important to know that family law can be complicated. Not only are their legal issues involved but emotions are also high. This can make the entire process stressful and overwhelming.  To top it off, most people want to win in their divorce case and you should considering that it has the ability to impact the rest of your life.

The Taylor Law Firm, PLLC helps people throughout the Henderson area that are going through a divorce.  There are several things that you can do before and during your case that will increase your chances of winning and getting the outcome that you desire.  Here is what you need to know.

  • Try counseling.  If you and your spouse can repair your marriage, it will prevent you from going through the process and dealing with the challenges that are created by being divorced.  If your relationship is not repairable, perhaps there is an opportunity to end it amicably.
  • Speak with a lawyer first.  You and your spouse may have discussed divorce for a while but have not done anything to move the process forward.  Before you make it clear that you are moving ahead, schedule a consultation with an expert in family law.  There may be certain things that you need to do to protect yourself ahead of time.  For example, you never know if your spouse will react by trying to immediately close down your credit cards, remove your name from the bank account, etc.  By creating a strategy ahead of time, you can protect yourself and your assets while positioning you for the win.
  • Know what you want.  If you know what you want out of your divorce, this will help you to achieve it.  You should make a list of the “must haves” and “don’t really care about” items.  Divorce typically involves a high level of negotiations and giving your attorney a list of these items will help them to do a better job of negotiating on your behalf.
  • Set a custody schedule you can live with.  When you and your spouse separate, the custody schedule you set may not be as temporary as you think.  Courts tend to stick with the status quo so don’t agree to a schedule, even temporarily that you don’t want to live with in the long run.  Your attorney can help you create a strategy for getting the custody arrangement that you want.
  • Work with a CPA.  There are many financial ramifications of divorce and working with a CPA can help you to plan for them.  Untangling assets is easier if you understand what you have and the tax consequences associated with your actions.
  • Try mediation.  Your divorce lawyer can mediate on your behalf to try and reach resolution on some or all of the issues in your divorce.  When you mediate (negotiate) with your spouse you retain more control over the process and outcome then if you go to court.  In court, the judge is in complete control and you never know what the outcome will be.

Hiring an expert in family law is important.  If you are getting a divorce call The Taylor Law Firm, PLLC at (903) 392-2275 to schedule your consultation.