An Oil and Gas Attorney Can Help to Protect Your Investment

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????As a Texas oil and gas attorney, we have witnessed a boom in the oil and gas industry first hand.  Over the past decade, new technology has made it possible to pull oil out of areas that were previously considered finished and places where oil was difficult to extract, are now producing high quantities.

This has created massive opportunities for investors looking to invest in a commodity with high demand. Investors from all over the country have been pouring money into oil companies in Texas and throughout the Bakken region.  Many of these investments have had a high payoff while others have left investors wondering what is going on.  Investing in a company outside of your area, can create these types of difficulties because you can’t simply drive over to the job site.

As an oil and gas attorney, we can help to make sure that your investment is protected.  This starts by reviewing the investment documents and prospectus ahead of time.  If you are evaluating a deal and considering investing, let us know, and we can review all of the documents for you.  We will make sure that your rights as an investor are protected, that you have the ability to get out of the investment in the future, and that there are specific provisions for communication and investor updates among others.

During your initial consultation, let us know what your goals are for the investment if you are looking to liquidate in the near future, give your shares to your children, etc.  This way we can make sure that these provisions are contained in the documents and if not, can make recommendations for changes.  After you have invested money, the company will be unlikely to negotiate with you, so it is important to do this first.

If you have already invested in the oil and gas industry and need help following up on your investment, let us know.  We can help you to determine where the project is at and make sure that your rights as an investor are protected by reviewing the documents that you signed.  We can also ask for financial statements and review them to make sure that you have been getting distributions like you are supposed to.  This becomes more important if you invested in a company or oil well that was thought to be dry but is now producing thanks to new technology.  If the company went back to the site and is now extracting oil, you should have the right to receive distributions from their profits, even if your investment took place years ago.

As an oil and gas attorney we find that most of these cases can be settled through negotiations without having to go to court.  We can litigate on your behalf if necessary, but most companies will respond to requests from a Texas attorney and comply by providing the information that we need.  Once we have reviewed everything, we will make a recommendation for how you should proceed and work towards protecting your investment and getting you the distributions that you deserve.